Wow, it has happened we are on our way to the East Coast pulling our motorcycle trailer the key word here is MOTORCYCLE. We met Joyce, Dennis and Myrna for coffee at Timmies of course. Got on the road at 10 am, next stop Keremeos.

Irene wanted to place some flowers on her fathers grave site as it had been 27 years since we were last there. On to Oliver for an over night visit with our friends Brian & Joyce who always make you feel welcome.

Brian BBQ'd a chicken and we ate well and drank a little wine. Time to open the pod on the trailer to get something out, ooppps where is the key for the lock, okay this is a motorcyle trailer the key would be with the bike keys that are at home. Brian do you have a bolt cutter?? We have decided to drive to Lethbridge to spend 2 days at the Bridgeview Holiday Trails Resort. South of Cranbrook we came across an accident scene and they were detouring most of the traffic onto a forestry access road called the Highland Road. NO large vehicles. The officer said "that cars were making it through" that should have been our first clue as to the type of road we were going onto. It wasn't too long and

we knew why we were missing our JEEP, the road was ugly, but only 20 km long which took us about 1 hour to travel. The GPS was of no use and it did not show even a trail on the map. When we did finally get to Cranbrook it was time for a FREE Iced Cap at Timmies. As we were driving I remembered that we were towing our Motorcyle Trailer and that the Insurance papers with the new decals were where??? of course with the bike insurance papers in the bike. Thanks Joyce for retrieving them and sending them along. The weather here in Lethbridge has been great, lots of SUN.

We decided to go and see the movie "Angels and Demons" while we were here. It was well worth seeing and the theatre was packed. On to Moose Jaw in the morning.
Nice to see you blogging again.