Well the day started out great with lots of SUN. We did a little bit of the tourist thing before the skies turned black. The horse is at City Hall.
This is the 100th year celebration of the high bridge here in Lethbridge. Don't know why but we sure seem to be setting records for ourselves. The thunderstorm here in the late afternoon set records as having the strongest winds in the past 25 years, oh yeah! We thought the winds in PEI were strong but not like this storm. It tore our screen room off our tent trailer.
The bungee cords just couldn't take it. Irene stood in one corner of our add a room and I stood in the other holding onto the poles to try and keep it from blowing away as tree limbs and other peoples awnings were crashing down around us. I have to hand it to Irene she has been a real trooper on this trip, I believe a lot of women would have said " pack it in I want to go home". It looks like the weather will be good in the next day or so, it will give us time to have everything dry before we pack up for Drumheller. Jorja is going to meet us there for a camp-out.
Dennis Leonhardt is here in Lethbridge for a few days and he was a real life saver when he phoned during the storm and said he would bring us dinner. He arrived with Kathryn Seymour who we hadn't seen for some time. When they did arrive the wind had died down a little so we all managed to sit in the corners and have a bite to eat. Thanks again Dennis.
We had to go look for our rubber bucket as it had blown away in the wind and Rick spotted it between the pool fence and the office building!
CRAZY!! We will be in Stettler in 3 weeks. Hope those winds are LONG gone by then.